Song Of Songs

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Peace, and joy cover the land as we look forward with hope and love, basking in the light and majesty of His glory. This piece is to carry you forward on a journey through heavenly places and vivid, powerful scenes of a more real, more complete realm.

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Technical Synopsis

Eight parts plus an introduction. A piece for a male and a female vocalist. The female part is shown in pink and the male in white. There are two narrated sections marked in italics. Some sections have the male and female vocalists singing at the same time, this is shown by the parts being on the same line. However there is always a lot of extemporisation and allowing the Spirit to lead, so these descriptions are only ever a loose guide.  The Musical themes are named Eli, Samuel and Saul.


Piano with strings at 96bmp


Eli: (E) Starts on E chord with 2nd inversion then plays around with this chord, but always holds it. Tonic bass notes occasionally ring through.

Samuel: (E, Bb) Plays around 2 bars with E chord on 2nd inversion but moves down to Bb tonic maintaining tonic notes in the bass. The chords move from one to another on 2 bar repeats with judged broken chords played in sympathy with the vocals. The E chord improvising is around the E major scale and the Bb chord is improvised around the Eb major scale.

Saul: (Dm, F) D minor to F major 2 bar repeats with judged broken chords in sympathy with the vocals all in the key of C.


(Italic – spoken word)
(Pink – female part)

Introduction ( To the theme of Eli [E] )

Oh the winter is passed, the rain is over, the flowers appear on the Earth, the time of singing has come

Part 1 ( To the theme of Samuel [E,Bb] )

Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth, for Your Love is better than wine, draw me unto You, and we will run after You

Oh the winter is passed, the rain is over

Rise up my Love my fair one and come away

Rise up, Arise, Arise Rise up

Winter is passed, the rain is over and gone, flowers appear on the Earth, the voice of the dove is heard in the land, is heard in the land

Rise up my love, rise up my love

Part 2 ( To the theme of Saul [Dm,F] )

Arise, arise, arise

Part 3 ( Samuel [E,Bb] )

I am my beloved’s and He is mine, I am my beloved’s and He is mine, come away, come away

Part 4 ( Saul [Dm,F] )

Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up

Set me like a seal, upon Your heart, like a seal upon Your heart, set me like a seal upon Your heart, like a seal upon Your heart

Part 5 ( Samuel [E,Bb] )

For Your love is as strong as death, stronger than the grave, for you my God raised me from the miry clay, You set my feet on the solid rock, and now I can see the way

Part 6 ( Saul [Dm,F] )

The time of singing has come, come for us to sing the song, the time for us has come

And the voice of the turtle dove, is heard all over the land, and the song of the turtle dove will be heard all over the land

Part 7 ( Samuel [E,Bb] )

Many waters cannot quench Your love, many waters cannot quench Your love, neither can it drown it, for You my God never fail, never fail

Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up

Bride of Christ arise, bride of Christ arise, bride of Christ arise

The time of singing has come The winter is over and gone, Rains have passed Is heard throughout the land The winter is over and gone The time of singing has come The winter is over and gone The time of singing has come, Will be heard all over the land

Arise, Arise, Arise, Arise [Rise up] [Rise up]

The old is left behind Rise up rise up, The old is left behind Rise up rise up, The old is left behind, Rise up rise up

Arise Rise up rise up,  Arise Rise up rise up, Arise Rise up rise up

Winter is passed, the rain is over and gone

Part 8 ( Saul [Dm,F] )

There is none like You, there is none like You Jesus, There is none like You Jesus,  I could search through all space and time Jesus, Jesus There is none like You Jesus,  There is none like You Jesus, Jesus

Jesus Jesus